Have folks introduce themselves by sharing their name
Intro question:
What relationships are you investing in most heavily right now?
What relationship have you neglected the most in the past couple months? Was this on purpose or passive?
What are you willing to change about yourself when you’re in a relationship?
What’s a non-negotiable for you in a relationship or friendship? Why?
How do you set boundaries in your romantic relationships or friendships? What have you learned from doing so?
What is your favorite way to grow intimacy with friends or people you’re in a relationship with?
In what ways are you investing in the relationship you have with yourself?
How do you know you want to move a romantic relationship out of the friend zone?
How do you know when a friendship is worth investing in?
Join a mini group! Pull names out of a bowl equivalent to 1/2 of the number of people in your group. Have all of those people pick a name out the bowl. That is their pair for the month. Have people make plans with the other person before they leave for the night.