Carolyn Vinnicombe founded Copina Co. to empower all to live their happiest, healthiest, most vibrant lives exactly as they are now. Copina Co. is a brand of ingredients-first edible beauty products that are dedicated to highlighting what you love most about yourself and boosting your inner beauty. Through her company, Carolyn is committed to bringing you the highest-quality products that are simple, effective, totally delicious, and made to fit all that life throws your way! She sat down with Holdette to discuss all things beauty, self-care, and business.

Can you give us a little background on yourself and Copina Co.?

Carolyn Vinnicombe: Copina Co. was born out of my experience healing my skin and digestive issues through holistic medicine. For years, I struggled with scarring cystic acne and poor gut health. Traditional medicine did not provide answers or solutions for me, so I decided to seek out something different. After reading about Ayurveda and the connection between our internal and external health, I began seeing a holistic doctor to explore plant-based remedies. I was taking collagen peptides at the time, but I hated how they made me feel and the fact that they came from animals. I knew that there must be a way to get the benefits of collagen without the use of animal products, so I set out to make it.

My experience with holistic medicine made me a believer in the power of plants to heal us from the inside out. I’d learned through my own healing process that true beauty comes when we choose something good for ourselves and treat our bodies well. I decided to make a company centered around these principles, and this is how Copina Co. was born!  All of our products are herbalist-approved, vegan, and gluten-free, and are made with plant botanicals that help support increased collagen levels for vibrant hair, skin, and nails without the use of animal products.

I built Copina Co. from the ground up, starting with a wellness blog and then using the proceeds to create and launch the first product line of collagen boost blends in February 2020.

What’s been your biggest learning since starting your business?

Carolyn Vinnicombe: So many lessons! I’d say by biggest lesson is to stay humble and hungry and to learn that failure is the greatest teacher. I used to think that everything had to be lined up and figured out ahead of time, but that’s just not how life or business works. I think that a fear of failure keeps a lot of people from starting businesses or putting themselves out there in other ways. Not everything will be perfect. It’s our job is to try a lot of things, fail at some, succeed in others, learn, and find joy in the journey. 

We love that Copina Co is trying to change the language around the wellness and care industry. As an entrepreneur, how have you seen the different ways you approach your industry have an impact on your customers?

Carolyn Vinnicombe: Thank you! It’s something we care deeply about. The images we show people and the stories we choose to uplift have great power. Think about the images you saw in beauty magazines as a kid and how those images impacted you and your ideas of beauty. The word “beautiful” has, for far too long, been associated with meeting one set standard of physical beauty. Beauty is so much more than that! I won’t rest until every person in America hears the word “beautiful” and thinks of someone that’s healthy, happy, confident and empowered in their own skin. 

Can you walk us through a typical day in your life as an entrepreneur?

Carolyn Vinnicombe: Honestly my weeks get pretty nuts, so I try to build healthy routines in as much as possible. For me, that means starting every morning with a few hours of quite time that’s just for me. I wake up, have my Matcha Beauty, do a short meditation, and get some movement. Lately that’s been walking and playing with my dog with my husband Alex in the morning and doing outdoor circuit workouts before dinner. I always do this no matter what because it’s something that grounds me and helps fill my cup so I can be present for others. I work some pretty late nights and am pretty much on 7 days a week as the founder of a young startup, but know that I have to take care of myself to keep the fire going. 

Five years ago where did expect to see yourself and what advice would you give your old self back at that point now?

Carolyn Vinnicombe: This is going to sound really dorky, but I’ve wanted to start a business for years. I had no idea what it was or how I would do it, but knew I had to make it happen someday. I was a bit restless and impatient 5 years ago. The advice I’d go back and give to myself is that my intentions are powerful. I’d remind myself that though they journey may seem daunting, I have all the tools I need right in front of me, that I’m exactly where I’m meant to be on my journey, and that there is no one more prepared to be me than I am.

We’re big on raising other women up as we grow, as a female-focused brand, how have you been able to do that as you’ve grown yourself?

Carolyn Vinnicombe: We have an amazing series on Copina Co. called the “Real Beauty Series”. It’s where we elevate stories of individuals who embody what beauty means to us – loving who you are, loving others, and chasing your dreams. 

What are your wardrobe go-to’s these days?

Carolyn Vinnicombe: Leggings under my zoom business shirts all day every day ;)



