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In celebration of International Women's day, the Holdette team decided to break down what feminism and feminisms mean to them. Happy day of Women to all! 

Sarah: I went to an all-girls middle and high school where I was encouraged to put myself out there and learn from and celebrate the women around me. I never doubted that I was capable of doing what I put my mind to because I was always told I could. Getting to college and choosing to take up space in a lot of male-dominated spaces (computer science, entrepreneurship, finance) I have had to constantly remind myself that I deserve to be there and how much I’ve accomplished. Feminism to me is about giving everyone the opportunity to shine especially in areas their light has been dimmed before. I’ve been fortunate to have mentors as I’ve gotten older who have made sure I have always believed I’m worthy of being where I am and I’m eager to serve the next generation of women especially female entrepreneurs by reminding them of this too. 

Shea: To me, feminism means celebrating the strong and hardworking women by whom I’m surrounded. My mom, my sister, my sisters-in-law (because behind every great brother is a great woman!), my friends, my coworkers, and especially the ladies of Holdette all help me become a better child, sister, friend, and peer. I have so much to learn from the women around me, and I’ll never take those relationships for granted. 

Rachaithaa: Feminism to me is working towards equality for all people. It’s important that feminism is intersectional; it should not exclude people based on their gender, race, socioeconomic status, ability, or sexual orientation. It’s about creating a sense of community where people can be their true selves freely.

Harper: I heavily associate the word feminism with the word growth. To me, as I’ve grown up and become educated both intellectually and socially I have formed a better relationship with understanding what feminism means to me. When I was little, society taught me that my feminism has meant weakness. As I’ve grown up, I have found that to be one of the biggest lies society warps into people’s minds. Feminism to me means confidence, strength, and acceptance of myself. 

Maryam: To me, feminism is a way of living that always pushes me to be my best self, whether that be in how I treat myself or the ways I view other people. It’s so easy to act without thinking about how you’re contributing to the world -- but as a feminist, I am constantly trying to frame my actions in a way that lifts my fellow womxn up without forgetting about myself. And if I’m doing that, if I’m actively showing love, I feel even more connected to the larger world in which I am trying to thrive.