Entering into the professional world can feel…daunting. Whether you are young, re-entering the space, or making a career change, finding a mentor to help guide you through the professional space can make it all feel manageable.
Here are some tips on how to ask someone to be your mentor (just FYI, it won’t be like Haymitch and Katniss in the Hunger Games).
Be Patient
Relationships form slowly the majority of the time. Kind of like college friendships, they form and come together on their own time. Don’t rush things and allow yourself to get acquainted with your new mentor before jumping in too deep. They are, after all, just a slightly older human.
If you are in-person, ask for a lunch or coffee date before work.
Starting off with asking for coffee or asking if you can join them on their lunch break keeps the invite professional but also less stiff than a desk by desk chat.
Here is a fun list of coffee shops in some major cities you can treat your mentor to (when things re-open). Until things open up though, asking someone for a coffee zoom chat or a happy hour zoom call is easy and allows for relationships to continue to bloom!
Find similarities and differences
Everyone wants a mutually beneficial relationship. When you both can sit and have a cup of coffee and not JUST talk about work, the relationship will expand. Find things you can exchange with your coworker. Sharing new shows, movies, and cute lunch spots are some of the best perks of having a mentor.
Come a little prepared
The first coffee chat or drinks zoom maybe a little more of an introduction than counseling, but that’s why the first tip is to be patient! As you and your mentor of choice continue to chat and get to know each other, the meetings will flow a lot better and a better rapport will solidify.
Coming to a meeting with a question or two can help make sure you and your mentor get the most from your sessions. It could be regarding dress code, how to ask to come in late for a doctor’s visit, or maybe the best time to ask for a raise
Holdette offers mentoring through our community membership Back Pocket, where we will assign you a mentor in your field of interest! Looking for mentors also in your professional out-of-office communities can be super beneficial, too.