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Happy Thanksgiving from the Holdette crew. We wanted to wish you all a safe traveling season and we hope everyone gets the opportunity to reflect on what they are grateful for. On this theme, we wanted to share a few things we all are thankful for this November as we quickly approach the New Year!

Here is the Holdette team’s “thankful for” lists, kicking us off we have our CEO Sarah!

Sarah: There is so very much to be thankful for.  Over the past year, I have learned the importance of not holding any idea of the future too tightly. I've realized that things will change before your very eyes so much faster than you could even imagine. When this year started, I had no idea that we’d be launching our own clothing line, that I’d be graduating college a year early, or that I would find the amazing teammates that I have. My professional and personal lives are continually changing and 2019 has taught me to treat this as a true blessing.

On top of all of this, I am grateful for the people who read our blog posts, like our Instagram pictures, open our newsletters, send us words of encouragement, and above all are advocates for Holdette and for our team. I would build this brand even I knew I’d only be able to support one woman, but truthfully I’m grateful a few more than that have decided to check us out.

To all the people who are bringing this dream of mine to life, thank you.

Alex: Oh, there are so many things to be thankful for, but my tops would have to be mascara (I can’t believe this is the first thing that came to mind), my pup Max (pictures upon request), my morning coffee, close friends/family and the moments of uncontrollable laughter they fuel, the ability to get lost in a book, that feeling after a long run, a jammy red wine (and I don’t want to hear from the haters that think “Dry is Best”) and of course my Holdette gals and their inspiring ambition to change the way women go to work! Life is about the little things, I tried to think of seemingly unremarkable moments, the overlooked habits those silly little things that I tend to forget, but bring me consistent joy day to day. 

Some additional “What I am thankful for…” musings now that I’m rolling, TSA pre-check, the feeling of freshly shaven legs (I mean come on), uber drivers who understand you’re in a rush and you gotta go go go!!!, the national anthem (makes me emotional, like tears, anyone else?), flowers...just because and being inspired daily by the people I meet and the places I see and the life I get to lead. 

Maryam: Although this may seem trite or overdone, I’m becoming more and more thankful for the friends in my life. Their presence in and engagement with my life have made me a more confident, caring individual, and I’m more and more excited to live each day, knowing they’ll be there to brighten it. With this, I’m thankful for the opportunities that have arisen in my life and the support I’ve received in pursuing things that make me happy and push me further into my field of choice. I haven’t always been sure of where I was going or how I could fit into the larger world. But now, with the help of my friends, family, and mentors, I know that there are so many things to do, see, and be!

Additionally, I’m, of course, thankful for pockets. Whether they be the deep ones in my single pair of Madewell jeans or the tiny pocket of my backpack, it’s always nice to have a little bit more room in my daily life and carry around what I need to succeed. Holdette has been such an amazing experience for me over the past year and seeing how it’s grown since 2016, and I feel incredibly lucky to be a small part of its meteoric rise. Here’s to another year of love, hand-holding, and pocket filling!

Harper: I am thankful for education and to be given the chance to further my education and go to college. I am also thankful for other people being educated and reminding others about what thanksgiving stands for historically because it is an important conversation to be reminded of while celebrating with friends and family. 

I feel especially thankful to be given the opportunity to go home during the holidays and see my dogs (oh and my family), use a kitchen to bake pies, and be given a minute to relax before finals season commences. I feel very fortunate to have the home I do to go back and forth between during the holiday season while finishing up the semester. 

In repetition to what Alex did, some other “What I am thankful for… musings” are sunlight, coffee and tea in the early AM, being inspired by those I am around, New Hampshire’s atmosphere and the opportunity to travel outside of the city often, small bookshops around Boston, and all the family and friends that have supported me as I have been growing and moving around in this world!

What are you grateful for this holiday season? Let us know in the comments below!


Women@Work: Tori Deems
