I was never an avid listener when it came to podcasts. Maybe I never found one that was interesting enough, or relatable enough. It wasn't until recently when COVID-19 canceled all my summer work plans that I found myself staring at my childhood bedroom ceiling, wondering what I was supposed to do with all of my time this summer. Then it hit me, I wanted to start my own podcast. I wanted to publish my thoughts and my opinions on questions from my friends that go unasked. I started a series called The Rant by Pia Saurbier, and I have never been more excited about a project.
I don’t own fancy recording equipment, nor have I ever podcasted before. So how did I do it?
I started researching how to podcast from home-- there are hundreds of ways to do it.
I brainstormed what I would even talk about and more importantly, who would listen?
I soon decided I wanted it to be simple and upload to as many platforms as possible. This is automatically done through the app called “Anchor.” It records the podcast and uploads it to Spotify and Apple. I was able to design my cover and title on the app as well-- it is super user friendly.
I started recording rants with my sister and girlfriends. Mainly ranting about relationships in our generation, specifically things that go untalked about.
Being a new project there are only three episodes out; all of which are unedited and completely organic in the sense that they feel like a conversation.
Podcasting doesn’t have to be a platform where you share your wise words of wisdom. I find that people are generally curious about things that they can relate to in one way or another. Our generation is one in which the media shapes a large portion of how we act and interact with other people. In some ways, our generation is the first phase of a new way of interacting; and sometimes it is comforting to hear that other people are going through times of uncertainty and struggle too.
The current episodes on Spotify:
Episode 1: “Talking” and “Cheating”- in this episode my sister and I had an open conversation about what these mean in association with each other. In other words, what are the guidelines and boundaries between people who have not discussed the means of their relationship
Episode 2 Part 1 and 2: “What boys don’t ask girls”- Myself and two good girlfriends from college answer anonymous questions from boys strictly about things they wonder about their female counterparts and are too afraid to ask.
If you are someone who, like me, is passionate about a subject or a topic, I encourage you to start a podcast from home, too.
It is your platform, and you can talk about anything. Nobody is regulating or giving out guidelines as to what you can and can’t say, the platform is your little bubble of creativity. There is a power behind being able to connect with listeners on a common ground; whatever that may be. Besides, what else are you going to do all summer long stuck indoors?